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The Educated Guess || A Comedy Science Fair w/ Jo and Steven

  • Littlefield 622 Degraw Street Brooklyn, NY, 11217 United States (map)

It's Brooklyn's FIRST EVER comedy science fair*.

60+ comedians join together to put on a night of comedy+science, a.k.a. 200% true facts. They've been tasked with coming up with mock science projects complete with topics, hypothesis, materials used, procedures and conclusions in a night of problem solving they haven't faced since they were twelve. We're transforming littlefield into a school gymnasium with posterboards, dioramas, models, flasks, beakers, and maybe a volcano or two. Who knows what might turn up? We don't really even know for sure.

Come between 7 and 9 to see the open floor exhibit at littlefield.
Come by 9 to see the Golden Atom Awards Show featuring some of comedy's most molecular performers.

Raj Sivaraman
Chris Duffy
Alyssa StonohaMitra Jouhari, & Sandy Honig
Joe Rumrill & Ryan T Bennett
Good Cop Great Cop (Charlie Hankin & Matt Porter)

Tickets are only $5 in adv, $8 day of show

Produced & Hosted by JO FIRESTONE (Chill Teach) & STEVEN DeSIENA (Mean Dean)

622 Degraw st.
Brooklyn, NY, 11217
Weds Feb 24, 2016
21 and over (sorry kids)

*probably. Didn't really fact check this.

Earlier Event: December 26
GOO HOUSE: A Holiday Event
Later Event: April 13
Just A Show